In case you need to update or change the database, review the article below.
Backup Database
Before you make any changes to the database make sure to backup the database by using the installed script.
- The script will be found under D: Drive on the POS system, on a server this will be found under the C: drive.
- Click on DBBACKUP. The system will create a new folder under the parent folder.
- The name of the folder will be DBBACKUP_(Year_Day_Month_Hour_Min..), inside of this folder you will find all the data that was processed for the merchant.
Restore Database
- The database for the merchant can be restored using the DBRESTORE file found under D: Drive on the POS system, on a server this will be found under the C: drive.
- Go into the back up folder and copy file with prefix BLOGICPOS7_*** and paste onto the D drive.
- Rename this folder to something familiar.
- You will enter this name on the next screen.
- In the sample provided the name used was POS.
- Click on DBRESTORE a new window will open up.
- Enter 1 to restore POS 1, you will need to enter the file name followed by .BAK.
- Once the file has been added hit enter on the keyboard. The system will start to run the database restore.
- When completed you can just hit any key to close the screen. You will now be able to open the POS and Dashboard and have access to the data that was found under the backup.
The name used for this example was POS.bak. You can rename the file to anything.