Configuring your PAX S300 to the POS system
Terminal Password: Default password is “1”
Refresh IP Address
1. From the Main menu press the Function button “F” and “1” buttons at the same time
2. Enter your password: “1” then “Green Arrow” button on lower right corner
3. Scroll down one page, Press “2. Communication“
4. Enter your password: “1” then “Green Arrow” button on lower right corner
5. Scroll down 2 page and press “1. LAN Parameters”
6. Press “1. Lan Type“
7. Press “2. DHCP IP” to ensure the device will be assigned IP address automatically by your router
8. Hit Red (x) key in lower left corner several times to go back to the main screen
Set Terminal Static IP Address
Repeat above Steps 1 through 6
a. Press “1. Lan Type“
b. Press “2. Static IP” to set Static IP address for this device
c. Press BACK
d. Press “2. IP Address” to view your ip address
**Write down the ip address. This is the IP address you need to enter in POS setting**
e. Hit Red key several times to go back to the main screen
Set Terminal Static IP Address
Repeat above Steps 1 through 6
a. Scroll down, press “4. Ping“
b. It should show Press Green Arrow key to test.
c. You should see result: Ping OK
d. Hit Red (x) key to stop. Hit Red (x) key several times to go back to the main screen.
Set Terminal IP Address on POS
1. In POS, hit Settings
2. Select Pair Credit Card Terminal, select PAX files provided by BLogic. This file should be in C:\Data\PAX
3. Select Credit Card option, then select Terminal Information.
4. Enter the IP address of the Credit Card terminal