Guide to Set Up Credit Card Payment Methods

Step 1: Access the Credit Card Settings

  1. Log in to license
  2. Click on Credit Card from the left menu.

Step 2: Select Discount Program

Choose Cash Discount Program

Step 3: Show Item Price

  1. In the Show Item Price As dropdown, select Credit Price to display the price according to your credit pricing model.
  2. Enter the Credit Card Percent (e.g., 4%).
  3. Set the Base Amount Fee (e.g., 3.8461%).

Step 4: Custom Fee Setup

  1. Scroll down to the Custom Fee section.
  2. Set the Max Base Amount (e.g., $300).
  3. Enter a Custom Fee Name (e.g., Custom Fee).
  4. Select the Custom Fee Mode (choose either In Percentage or Flat Amount).
  5. Specify the Custom Fee Percent (e.g., 4%).
  6. Optionally, fill in the Custom Fee Flat Amount (e.g., 5).
  7. Check the box Apply Custom Fee for Tip Suggestion if you want to include tips in the custom fee.

Step 5: Merchant Fee Configuration

  1. In the Merchant Fee section, enter the Merchant Fee Name and set the Merchant Fee (%) (e.g., 3.8461%).

Step 6: Enable Payment Methods

💡 You can only use Apple Pay and Google Pay when using the gateway.

  1. Check the box to Enable Google Pay.
  2. Check the box to Enable Apple Pay.
  3. Enter the Apple Merchant ID for Apple Pay configuration.

Step 7: Deposit Amount Setup

  1. Specify the Deposit Amount Name (e.g., Deposit Amount).

Step 8: Save Your Settings

  1. After completing all the settings, click the Save button to apply your changes.