How to Set Up Tip Suggestions for Online Orders

Step 1: Open the POS Dashboard

Log in to the POS Dashboard.

Step 2: Access Settings

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Select Online Ordering.

Step 3: Configure Tip Suggestions

  1. Scroll down to the section titled Set Tip Suggestion %.
  2. Check the box for Show Tip Suggestion to enable tip suggestions for customers.

Step 4: Enter Tip Percentages

Input the desired tip percentages (e.g., 10%, 15%, 20%) for customers to choose from.

Step 5: Auto Select Tip (Optional)

  1. You will see the option Auto Select:
    • When this option is checked, the system will automatically select a tip for the customer, and they will be forced to pay that specific amount.
    • The customer will not be able to change the tip amount if this is selected.

Step 6: Allow Tip Changes

  1. To allow customers to modify the automatically selected tip, check the box for Allow to Overwrite Forced Tip.
  2. This option lets customers change the tip by selecting one of the available tip suggestion buttons.